Travel and Tourism
Visits to and from the UK rise

Visits abroad by UK residents and visits to the UK from overseas residents both rose in the period April to June 2010, when compared with the previous three months.

The seasonally adjusted number of visits abroad rose by 3 per cent compared with the period January 2010 to March 2010, although visits were down 9 per cent compared with the three months April to June 2009.

The seasonally adjusted number of visits to the UK by overseas residents, meanwhile, was 2 per cent higher than in the three months January 2010 to March 2010 and 3 per cent lower than in the period April to June 2009.

Three-month trends (seasonally adjusted)

In April 2010 to June 2010, the seasonally adjusted number of visits by overseas residents to the UK increased by 2 per cent to 7.4 million, when compared with the previous three months. Associated spending by overseas residents on visits to the UK increased by 8 per cent to £4.3 billion.

Over the same period, the seasonally adjusted number of visits abroad by UK residents increased by 3 per cent to 13.7 million, while associated spending increased by 5 per cent to £7.9 billion.

Twelve month trends (not seasonally adjusted)

Visits to the UK by overseas residents

During the 12 months to June 2010, the number of visits by overseas residents to the UK decreased by 4 per cent when compared with the 12 months to June 2009, from 30.4 million to 29.4 million – a drop of 1.0 million.

Visits to the UK by residents of:

  • Europe decreased by 5 per cent, from 22.8 million to
    21.8 million
  • North America remained broadly the same at 3.4 million, and
  • other parts of the world decreased by 1 per cent to
    4.2 million

Visits for business reasons fell 5 per cent while visits to friends or relatives fell 9 per cent, but holiday visits increased by 2 per cent.

Visits abroad by UK residents

In the 12-month period to June 2010, the number of visits abroad by UK residents decreased by 12 per cent when compared with the 12 months to June 2009, from 63.3 to 56.0 million – a drop of 7.3 million.

Visits by UK residents to:

  • Europe decreased by 13 per cent, from 50.1 million to
    43.7 million
  • North America decreased by 14 per cent, from 4.0 million to 3.5 million, and
  • other parts of the world decreased by 4 per cent, from
    9.2 million to 8.8 million

Visits for business reasons fell 19 per cent and for holidays 12 per cent. Visits to friends or relatives dropped 7 per cent.


International Travel
Visits abroad fell at record rate in 2009

Visits abroad by UK residents fell in 2009 at the fastest rate since IPS records began. A total of 58.6 million visits abroad were made, down 10.4 million (15 per cent) from the 69.0 million made in 2008.

Visits to the UK by overseas residents also fell in 2009, but at a slower rate, down 6.3 per cent from the 31.9 million made in 2008 to 29.9 million.

The falls follow a long period of overall growth in international visits to and from the UK. Visits abroad have grown at an average of 4.0 per cent per year over the past 25 years and visits to the UK have grown at an annual of 3.2 per cent. The decline in 2009 follows small falls of less than 1 per cent in visits abroad in 2007 and 2008, the first since 1991, and a fall of 2.7 per cent in visits to the UK during 2008, the first since 2001 when travel was affected by both the 9/11 terrorist attacks and the UK foot and mouth disease outbreak.

Visits to and from the UK had both experienced a substantial fall in the last quarter of 2008, which continued in quarter 1 2009. Visits to the UK by overseas residents showed signs of a reduction in decline from quarter 2 2009. However, in the case of visits abroad the rate of decline increased in 2009 and remained at over 10 per cent throughout, compared to the same period in 2008.

Business visits experienced the biggest falls in 2009. They fell by 23 per cent among UK residents going abroad and by 19 per cent among overseas residents coming to the UK. Visits abroad by UK residents for holidays and to visit friends or relatives also fell but at a lower rate (15 per cent and 6.5 per cent respectively), as did visits to the UK by overseas residents to see friends or relatives (down 9.7 per cent).

One sector of travel that did increase in 2009 was holidays to the UK by overseas residents. They rose by 0.5 million from 10.9 million in 2008 to 11.4 million.

Expenditure abroad by UK residents fell £5.1 billion to £31.7 billion, but earnings from visits by overseas residents grew from £16.3 billion in 2008 to £16.6 billion.

In recent years approximately a half of visits to the UK by overseas residents have involved an overnight stay in London. This was also the case in 2009, when London was visited for at least one night on 14.2 million visits (the average stay on which was 6 nights). This was a 3.7 per cent fall in the number of visits from a year earlier. This compares with a fall of 9.3 per cent in visits to the rest of England. Visits to Scotland rose slightly and those to Wales fell slightly.

The next-most visited city after London in 2009 was Edinburgh, with 1.3 million overnight visits, followed by Manchester with 0.8 million overnight visits, Birmingham with 0.71 million overnight visits and Glasgow with 0.62 million overnight visits. Liverpool, Bristol, Oxford and Cambridge lay in sixth to ninth places. This rank order was the same as in 2008.

In 2009 very few countries received an increase in visits from UK residents. Egypt, Jamaica and Lithuania were exceptions, continuing an overall trend of rises to these countries in recent years. Despite these rises, the numbers of visits to these countries are dwarfed by those to the UK’s nearer neighbours in Europe and the USA. Spain and France combined accounted for 21.3 million of the 58.6 million visits abroad in 2009. Visits to a number of countries fell by a substantial percentage in 2009. This includes Mexico, down 41 per cent.

Table 2

Gypsy sites provided by Local Authorities and Registered Social Landlords in England

16th July 2009


Total number

of which are:



of pitches




Total for England





North East





North West





Yorkshire and the Humber





East Midlands





West Midlands





East of England










South East





South West





Visits abroad by UK residents fell in 2009 at the fastest rate since IPS records began. A total of 58.6 million visits abroad were made, down 10.4 million (15 per cent) from the 69.0 million made in 2008.

Visits to the UK by overseas residents also fell in 2009, but at a slower rate, down 6.3 per cent from the 31.9 million made in 2008 to 29.9 million.

The falls follow a long period of overall growth in international visits to and from the UK. Visits abroad have grown at an average of 4.0 per cent per year over the past 25 years and visits to the UK have grown at an annual of 3.2 per cent. The decline in 2009 follows small falls of less than 1 per cent in visits abroad in 2007 and 2008, the first since 1991, and a fall of 2.7 per cent in visits to the UK during 2008, the first since 2001 when travel was affected by both the 9/11 terrorist attacks and the UK foot and mouth disease outbreak.

Visits to and from the UK had both experienced a substantial fall in the last quarter of 2008, which continued in quarter 1 2009. Visits to the UK by overseas residents showed signs of a reduction in decline from quarter 2 2009. However, in the case of visits abroad the rate of decline increased in 2009 and remained at over 10 per cent throughout, compared to the same period in 2008.

Business visits experienced the biggest falls in 2009. They fell by 23 per cent among UK residents going abroad and by 19 per cent among overseas residents coming to the UK. Visits abroad by UK residents for holidays and to visit friends or relatives also fell but at a lower rate (15 per cent and 6.5 per cent respectively), as did visits to the UK by overseas residents to see friends or relatives (down 9.7 per cent).

One sector of travel that did increase in 2009 was holidays to the UK by overseas residents. They rose by 0.5 million from 10.9 million in 2008 to 11.4 million.

Expenditure abroad by UK residents fell £5.1 billion to £31.7 billion, but earnings from visits by overseas residents grew from £16.3 billion in 2008 to £16.6 billion.

In recent years approximately a half of visits to the UK by overseas residents have involved an overnight stay in London. This was also the case in 2009, when London was visited for at least one night on 14.2 million visits (the average stay on which was 6 nights). This was a 3.7 per cent fall in the number of visits from a year earlier. This compares with a fall of 9.3 per cent in visits to the rest of England. Visits to Scotland rose slightly and those to Wales fell slightly.

The next-most visited city after London in 2009 was Edinburgh, with 1.3 million overnight visits, followed by Manchester with 0.8 million overnight visits, Birmingham with 0.71 million overnight visits and Glasgow with 0.62 million overnight visits. Liverpool, Bristol, Oxford and Cambridge lay in sixth to ninth places. This rank order was the same as in 2008.

In 2009 very few countries received an increase in visits from UK residents. Egypt, Jamaica and Lithuania were exceptions, continuing an overall trend of rises to these countries in recent years. Despite these rises, the numbers of visits to these countries are dwarfed by those to the UK’s nearer neighbours in Europe and the USA. Spain and France combined accounted for 21.3 million of the 58.6 million visits abroad in 2009. Visits to a number of countries fell by a substantial percentage in 2009. This includes Mexico, down 41 per cent.